Richard Grillotti


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Resonant Waves
Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry @ UC Santa Cruz, July 2019

Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry

Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry is an interactive, multisensory cymatic experience. This work engages with sound, basic sine waves, and how sound naturally forms up into intricate, often symmetrical geometric patterns when passed through a medium, such as water, within a boundary condition.
Presented as a multimedia art installation in the 2019 UCSC Digital Arts and New Media MFA Exhibition titled "Receivership", which ran from April 20, 2019 - May 12, 2019, Resonant Waves consisted of several components: a live demonstration of wave patterns formed by sound passing through water in a 3" petri dish, speakers which allowed the same sound to be heard in the space, a 4' circular projection screen on which the wave activity in the water dish was being captured by a camera and displayed, and a seat with controls in the arms for the viewer to interact with & influence the sound being generated that also vibrated at the same frequency as the water. The viewer was simultaneously hearing, feeling, and seeing - through patterns that the sound would generate in the water in the dish which was projected onto the screen - the same exact frequency.
Resonant Waves: Immersed In Geometry is produced in collaboration with Andy DiLallo, 2019


Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry
Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry
Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry
Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry
Resonant Waves: Immersed in Geometry


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All work © 2019 Richard Grillotti